Friday, November 21, 2014

Life in a community

So its nearly been a week here in Sadhana and I'm beginning to become more comfortable with community life. I can definitely see the benefits of living in a community where everyone works together and helps each other out. I like that I can spend the next few weeks exploring this way of living as a volunteer. I think that because Sadhana takes on so many volunteers and people are arriving all the time it makes for a bit of a different dynamic. New volunteers are enthusiastic and willing to do any job they are asked to do, volunteers that have been around for a week or two have realised the best jobs to sign up for and leave the not so enticing work to the newbies. The newbies soon learn and join the ranks of those who've been in the forest for a few weeks. I definitely think that Sadhana needs the newbies to take on the jobs that others get tired of but at the same time the community is not a long stay community. There are a few people who have lived in Sadhana for more than a year but in the grand scheme of things a community base is supposed to be a life time. People who are thinking of spending their lives in a community feel much more for the community and everything that is done should be done for the good of the community but themselves as well. If no one wants to compost the toilets then the whole community will suffer or if no one gets rid of the termites they'll destroy everything. When you only stay in the community for a few weeks or have the feeling you'll leave whenever you want, the onus is no longer on you to ensure everything stays running smoothly.The termites won't destroy the building in the 2 weeks you'e there, and if they do, well you can just move on to the next place. This means that in Sadhana people are given options (you are never forced to do a job you really don't want to do) and then working under a supervisor you complete the task, The long term volunteers have a skill in naming tasks so they seems interesting but as soon as you get to the task, its not at all what you imagined. For instance today I signed up for library and later found out that meant I'd be building shelves. Not quite the library work I was expecting. However, I see why this is done and understand that these tasks need to be done. Running a community where people only stay a few weeks is not an easy task. I can imagine that other communities have other difficulties and problems to face when people are around for the long haul. Maybe one day I'll join a long term community for a few years and see how that works.

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Ingrid only said...
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