Monday, November 5, 2012

Ooooh, I wanna dance with somebody!

I forget sometimes how great it feels to spontaneously start dancing like, well, no one is watching. It all started with a hankering for the Backstreet Boys' Larger Than Life and progressed from there. How can that song not make you want to move around and act like you're Nick Carter! There is something so exhilarating about waving your arms around like a crazy person to the beat of cheesy music. Thanks to Spotify the cheese just continued with the BSBs being followed by Ricky Martin, Britney Spears, Nsync, Pink, Witney Houston, Meredith Brooks and even the Spice Girls made an appearance. At the end of half an hour I had my hair tied up on top of my head; 80s style, my shirt tucked into my bra and sweat pouring down my face! And I felt AMAZING! There can be no worries in your life when you're livin la vida loca, saying Bye Bye Bye or belting out Wannabe!

Not only does dancing burn calories but dancing is a great form of expression. You can be whoever you want through dance, tell a story, release pent up tension and jump out negative feelings all while releasing endorphins, happy drugs! Endorphins are said to have the same effects as codeine and morphin, without the negative side effects. What could be bad about that? So get out that cheesy music you secretly pretend to scorn, find some open space and go wild!

Dance, when you're broken open.
Dance, if you've torn the bandage off.
Dance in the middle of the fighting.
Dance in your blood.
Dance when you're perfectly free.”

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